The Governmental Affairs Committee of the Elmhurst Chamber of Commerce and Industry is sharing information on the Elmhurst Rotary Club’s virtual Elmhurst Mayoral Forum for the three candidates seeking office in the April 6 Consolidated General Election, as follows:

The hour-long Forum will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing on Thursday, March 18, at 5 p.m.  Event registration information is available below, with attendance limited to 300.

Mayoral candidates (in alphabetical order) are Michael Bram (Ward 3), Scott Levin (Ward 5) and Mark Mulliner (Ward 7), all current Alderman serving on the Elmhurst City Council.

Dee Longfellow, Editor of the Elmhurst Independent newspaper, will serve as the Moderator, while Rotarian Brian Bergheger, former Director of the Elmhurst History Museum, will act as the Timekeeper.

Each candidate will be given five minutes to make an introduction, after which they will answer questions posed by the Moderator and submitted by Rotarians.

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